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Autonomous Robot Design

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Autonomous Robot Design

Autonomous Robot Design is a branch of engineering that involves the development of robots that can operate independently of human control. This involves the design of robots that are able to sense their environment, process information, and make decisions based on the data they receive. The design of these robots must take into account the physical and mechanical components, as well as the software and algorithms that will be used to control them.

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Automation, Control Systems.

Alexander Barclay

Autonomous Robot Design

Autonomous robot design is the engineering practice of designing, constructing and programming robots to independently operate and respond to their environment with a degree of autonomy. Autonomous robots are programmed to interact with the physical environment, such as objects, humans, and other robots. Autonomous robot design requires the integration of multiple disciplines such as mechanics, electronics, artificial intelligence and human-machine interaction. The design of autonomous robots must take into account the functionality, controllability and usability of the robot, as well as its safety and economic considerations.

Robotics, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Motion Control.

James Rothschild

Autonomous Robot Design Definition
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